Our team are trained with SEO knowledges and concern
SEO Friendly Website Design
SEO friendly website design is a site with search engine friendly web structure and elements. It is generally designed to be mobile device responsive with good web usability. As international buyers search product information using internet, your website is now so vitally important to be your most cost-effective sales vehicle to attract new customers worldwide. More and more exporting manufacturers and suppliers set up their export marketing website and employ SEO friendly web design as their export web solution to integrate with online and offline marketing strategies (e.g. SEO, Google Adwords, email marketing, trade fairs, etc.) in their export marketing mix to promote their products worldwide.

Why SEO friendly & Responsive Web Design?
If your site is not SEO friendly (or search engine friendly), it will be hard for the search engines to index all of your web pages. Ignoring search engines mean you might turn away three of every four clients searching in internet. Hence, it is vital to build a SEO friendly website in attracting new clients for your export business. It is pointless if no one can find your export website.
If your website is not designed for optimum web usability, it will be hard for your protential customers to navigate your website and search product information. Your visitors will quickly become frustrated and leave your site for your competitor’s sites searching for a better solution. You will not convert your visitors into clients to get profit.
If your website is not mobile responsive, you will lost the traffic from mobile device browsers. Today, many business persons browse website using mobile devices in transit and search engines such as Google also put more emphasis on the mobile web experience.
We Focus on Search Engine Friendly
Why us?
Many traditional web designers do not concern internet marketing when they design a website. They prefer to use many flash presentation, image maps and large graphics to build a beautiful website leaving the visitors to wait for a series of large images to load. They also use many search engine unfriendly elements on designing the website causing some problems of the search engine indexing.
plan of action
SEO knowledges & concern
1) SEO friendly web design structure to offer better search engine indexing
2) Web usability to offer better user experience and website conversion
3) Responsive web design for cross-devices (mobile phones, tablet PCs, and desktop computers)
4) CMS (Content Management System) to allow users to update web content easily
5) Social media integration for better internet exposure
and more…
There are many key factors to be considered in the initial web design stages. In order to produce a better result for your export web solution, our web design team develops your export website according to SEO friendly, mobile responsive, and good web usability practices. The web design cost will be less expensive if you start your web design and production right in the first time.
We can help you to cut web design and subsequent export promotion cost, and gain more revenue using search engine friendly web design and responsive design technology.
For our SEO friendly web design service for your export web solution, please get an online quote: